Europamente is a Third Sector Organization born in 2021 from the interest of three professionals with
different backgrounds in international cooperation. We are committed to developing social and educational
projects that promote the values of solidarity, equality, and integration within the European Union.
Since 2023, Europamente has been officially registered with the RUNTS (New Register of the Third Sector).
Our mission is to pursue civic, solidarity, and social utility objectives through various cultural activities
aimed at promoting human and civil rights and the values of peaceful coexistence in diversity.
Europamente embraces the founding values of the European Union and conducts research and analysis of
EU policies to foster and spread a culture of legality, non-violence, equality, and gender equity.
Our main areas of intervention are:
Intersectional Feminism
We are committed to promoting gender equality through an intersectional approach that
addresses the diverse experiences of women and marginalized groups. Our initiatives aim to
advance women’s rights and tackle systemic inequalities.
Conflict Resolution and Restorative Justice
We focus on conflict resolution and restorative justice practices, fostering reconciliation and
helping to build more harmonious and inclusive communities.
Inclusive Education and Non-Formal Methods
We advocate for inclusive education and employ non-formal educational methods to enhance
learning experiences. Our activities include workshops, extracurricular training, and interactive
learning environments designed to prevent early school leaving, combat educational poverty, and
support overall educational success.
Through fieldwork and collaboration with other Third Sector organizations, Europamente aims to promote
the social integration of individuals at risk of marginalization. We organize fairs, shows, workshops, public
interventions, laboratories, leisure and sports activities, as well as extracurricular training to prevent early
school leaving, support school and vocational success, prevent bullying, and combat educational poverty.
Additionally, we participate in project writing and implementation and offer consultancy services to public
administrations, institutions, and private organizations on project development.
Through our commitment, we strive to contribute to a more just, inclusive, and supportive Europe, where
every individual can actively participate in society and drive positive change.